Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Whether it lies within our human nature as a psychological underlay, or it is some sort of a nurtured habit copied from the world's religious myths, our race has always manifested a powerful tendency to "play" God.
A child's first drawing will, 95% of times, be of a human.
We create in our own image and likeness.
A drawing, a doll, a Frankenstein or an actual robot - but our work is incomplete if it is incapable of interacting with us, if it cannot accomplish tasks given by us, the patrons, if it cannot make decisions on its own. So we attached to it a computer, an artificial brain. Feeding it with information, we took a step back to watch it developing.
Elon Musk reacting on social media to Sophia's (the robot) statement.

The ethics around AI are at debate on a regular basis nowadays, as we protrude more and more through the Ubiquitous Computing found in nearly every daily human task. Very interesting points of view are raised within the 116th podcast by Sam Harris - AI: Racing Towards The Brink - a conversation with Eliezer Yudkowsky, decision theorist and computer scientist at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute in Berkeley, California:

Face Recognition

From private smart phones to ATM and CCTV cameras, Facial Recognition Technology has gained capabilities beyond our control sometimes. Companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. have sensed the extraordinary commercial benefits of the industry and have allocated enormous budgets in the last decade for research and development in this direction. 
At the moment Face Recognition is the hot tech, which despite gathering in numerous cases the wrong data or processing it incorrectly and giving a false output, it is trusted to become a very powerful informational tool as the 5G technology emerges:

"Before, data was what the programs processed and spit out - data was passive. Whit this question, data starts to drive the operation; it is not the programmers anymore but the data itself that defines what to do next."Alpaydin, 2016, pg. 11
Face Recognition is only another tool for gathering information. Artificial Intelligence, Machine and Deep Learning, Statistics, Data Analytics, alongside Pattern Recognition and Integrated Video Analytics filter data obtained through algorithms and give an output for learning clusters to tailor recommendations and command actions, as explained by TechRepublic on their website: 

Face Recognition Technology, same as any other AI, is currently facing(!) governmental regulation controls, with the most recent EU ban for the next five years in European countries, main issue raised - privacy, obviously:
In other countries around the world there are almost no regulations regarding this matter so people had to come up with own ideas on how to combat the risks at own privacy. Business Insider, in their online article present a range of designers from across the world who have created wearables or devices to trick the surveillance cameras: "These designs are still niche, and have mostly only appeared as art installations or academic projects. But as facial recognition becomes more widespread, they may catch on as the next trend in functional fashion." -

NO Watch

I propose for this topic an anti - face recognition wearable. The concept represents a Smart Watch which besides all of the usual options of a product of this kind, it adds through the "Torch" icon, the capability of producing UV light beam. Reflected on a human face it distorts the features of the person as per when they are perceived by the surveillance cameras and tricks the AI behind it.


Alpaydin, Ethem (2016), Machine Learning: The New AI, MIT Press

Holmes, Aaron; 2020, These clothes use outlandish designs to trick facial recognition software into thinking you're not human,  Business Insider

NO Watch advert assets:

man looking at watch -

couple watches -


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