
Showing posts from January, 2020

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Whether it lies within our human nature as a psychological underlay, or it is some sort of a nurtured habit copied from the world's religious myths, our race has always manifested a powerful tendency to "play" God. A child's first drawing will, 95% of times, be of a human. We create in our own image and likeness. A drawing, a doll, a Frankenstein or an actual robot - but our work is incomplete if it is incapable of interacting with us, if it cannot accomplish tasks given by us, the patrons, if it cannot make decisions on its own. So we attached to it a computer, an artificial brain. Feeding it with information, we took a step back to watch it developing. Elon Musk reacting on social media to Sophia's (the robot) statement. Source: The ethics around AI are at debate on a regular basis nowadays, as we protrude more and more through the Ubiquitous Computing found in nearly every daily human task. Very interesting points of view are raised withi